Technology is an area of teaching and learning that is centred upon the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts and systems in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function.

It can also focus upon how such mechanisms impact upon society as technology can affect Australian society and its surroundings in a number of ways.

At Monbulk College studies in Technologies encompass Wood, Metal, Food, Systems, Information Technology, VCE VET Creative & Digital Media.

Systems Technology (8 – 10, VCE)

Systems Technology is a ‘hands on’ subject that offers students the opportunity to develop strong design skills and use a suite of resources, tools, and ‘tech’ to solve electronic and mechanical engineering problems. The subject is offered from years 8 to 12, and when taken as a VCE subject the score will contribute to the ATAR.

Year 11 and 12 VCE Systems Engineering students identify problems or opportunities that they can address by researching, designing, and building creative solutions. Students are encouraged to align their interests to their project choice.

Skills obtained over the years will include:

  • Computer aided design (CAD) of enclosures, figurines, mechanical parts, and electronic circuits,
  • How to use motorised movement in robots and cars, light and sound, and tap into the world of IoT, and sensorsto interact with our world.
  • Maker techniques including 3D printingand laser cutting
  • Testing and fault analysis of build projects, prac’s, and teacher demonstrations
  • Coding of microcontrollers in their projects to ‘bring them to life’
  • Documentation of process, safety, evaluation and evidence of their design and building outcomes
  • How to use online platforms for 3D modelling, circuit design, circuit simulation, coding, enclosure design, and adding content to GitHub and Instructables

Metal Technology (7 – 10)

Metal Technology in Year 7 and 8 introduces students to new experiences and equipment. It teaches students to be confident with tools and materials as well as learning to be independent designers and problem solvers. It focuses on the design process, learning sequential construction steps and how metal skills are used in the real world.

Year 9 & 10 emphasizes the engagement in designing, creating and evaluating processes and products using a range of materials as a way of developing creativity and innovation. Students are introduced to more complex processes such as casting and welding. It involves experiential, practical and applied knowledge as well as theoretical understanding. It requires students to be to respond to design briefs, design for clients and consider sustainability. From which solutions are created to show their understanding of the suitability of materials, equipment and processes to produce functional products.

Wood Technology (7 – 10, VCE)

Students at all year levels are offered Wood Technology. Students learn ‘hands on’ skills by using a variety of materials, processes and tools in order to design and make products. Drawing, design and safety in the workshop are important parts of the course. Students are encouraged to think flexibly and use various sources of information to investigate and research a range of factors relevant to design briefs.

Food Technology (7 – 10, VCE)

Food Technology is offered at all year levels. Students study key foods and their properties at all levels, beginning with the production of simple meals at junior levels. At senior levels more elaborate production tasks are attempted in line with the complexities of skills and knowledge required at these levels. The theoretical component of their studies is aligned with these practical activities.

VCE VET Creative & Digital Media (VCE)

The VCE VET Creative & Digital Media course is a Certificate III in Media, undertaken in 4 semester length units, across 2 years. It is a VCE VET subject, which means that students attain a Certificate III qualification and also contribution towards their VCE, including their ATAR.

It is a practical, hands on subject that encompasses all areas of Digital Media including animation, graphic design and web design. Students become familiar with the Adobe Creative Suite, giving them real world skills that they can apply in any work or education area.

VCE VET Units 1 and 2 core units include participating in work health and safety processes, producing and preparing photo images, working effectively in the screen and media industries. Electives may include creating preparing audio assets, following a design process and producing drawings to represent and communicate the concept.

VCE VET Unit 3 and 4 sequence incorporates core units in preparing assets, exploring and applying the creative design process to 2D forms, creating visual design component and authoring interactive sequences.

For more information about Technology at Monbulk College, please contact us.
