School based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs) are for students that are seeking completion of their VCE but would also like to commence an apprenticeship or traineeship through the support of a school-based program.

Completing an SBAT as part of your VCE or VCE VM is a more intensive pathway, which combines school, TAFE and time in the workplace. Students receive support and mentoring from start to end from the SBAT provider.

Unscored VCE - Coursework and Exams

Head Start students complete all coursework in Year 11 and 12 (including SACs) to ensure the Outcomes for each Unit are met. Head Start is not a scored VCE and Head Start students do not sit Year 12 external exams (end of year).


This means that at Monbulk College, you will be able complete an unscored VCE alongside an apprenticeship/traineeship in a variety of industries that include:

  • Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying
  • Certificate III in Electrotechnology
  • Certificate III in Dental Assisting
  • Certificate III in Community Pharmacy
  • Certificate III in Business
  • Certificate III in Telecommunications Technology

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