We offer a huge range of programs that offer extension to students in various areas.

Areas include Culture and the Arts, Sport, Leadership and Decision Making, Careers and Work Experience, Social Service, Camps and Excursions, and Educational Enhancement.

Here are just a few examples…

  • National Competitions in Maths, Science, Chemistry, Geography and Technology. These are multiple choice papers and provide a summary of skills compared to Australia Norms. Students also have the opportunity to compete in ‘Tournament of the Minds’.
  • Music, Dance and Acting skills are all valued in the full scale bi-annual College Musical. Auditions are held during term one. We also have student Art Exhibitions and regular performances at Assemblies.
  • Many local, state and national writing competitions which are all advertised in the Newsletter.
  • Interschool debating for Years 7, 9 and 10. Teams are organised in term one.
  • Watch for “On Your Soapbox” in term one and poetry reading in term two, which are advertised in English classes, in the bulletin and on the Newsletter. Some ‘soapboc’ students go onto the statewide “Rostum Voice of Youth” and Parliament of Youth.
  • Host a Japanese or German visitor during the annual exchange visits with our Sister Schools, or even travel to Japan or Europe yourself.
  • There are leadership opportunities available at every level. They include the Monbulk Student Voice, Sports Captains, Bus Captains, Peer Support Program and eventually Collage Captains.
  • Learn an instrument. Join a band or even choir. Take part in the Dandenong Ranges Schools Eisteddfod and the many performance opportunities available.
  • Join a club or committee – magazine, readers and reviewers, science club, computer club, chess club, debating, and others such as the many sporting teams (short term and long term)… or even get into student politics with the SRC and even the College Council.
  • Become involved in the camps and excursions on offer such as the World Challenge Tours, Japan and Europe study trips, Year 9 Survival Camp, Year 7 Orientation Camp, ADVANCE Surf Camp, and the Year 8 Camp to Ovens.

For more information about our programs offered at Monbulk College, please contact us.
